Thursday, August 5, 2010

I do what I see the Father doing

"When Jesus started His ministry He was ready ~ ready to eat and drink with broken & messy people ~ to focus in their heart not on their behavior ~ to heal them all ~ Never pushed anyone to perform, just to have faith & be obedient & humble ~ He gave people time to change ~ never gave the impression that He was perfect when He was ~ He only said "I do what I see the Father doing" & "the ruler of this world has nothing to do with Me"."

This is from my friend Patricia Camu's post on FB today. It is a theme I am seeing on a daily basis both in my life and in the lives of others. God is doing a work. My heart is crying out for more ... more love, more compassion, more mercy, more grace, more kindness. This is what will attract people to Christ and not all the criticism, judging and bickering that is rampant today. With all my heart I want to stay as far away from that as possible.


Anonymous said...

Amen! Me too . . .

haven said...

Amen and amen...