Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hi everyone,
We've had a ton of supplies come in over the last few months and praise God, we've been able to hand out most of it! So now we're back in the position of needing to re-stock on a few items. Below are the items we could really use for our next outing:

-Lip balm
-Tic Tacs
-Socks (men's and women's)
-Playing cards
-Gallon sized Ziplock bags
-Sleeping bags (These are a huge hit with the Travelers and so very much appreciated by them.)
-Anything else you can think of!

Again, we just want to thank everyone for all of the giving you have already done and continue to do. It's so exciting when the body of Christ unites in one accord in order to further the Kingdom of God. There is no limit to His riches and greatness...

Have a wonderfully blessed weekend,

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