Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bobbie Houston's Sisterhood Blog

Evoke Her Beauty

Posted: August 18, 2010 from Bobbie in Sydney.

Look up "evoke" in the dictionary and it says "To bring or recall to the conscious mind". Search for "evoke" in the bible and you find (in Ephesians 5, Message) the most magnificent of statements... "Christ's love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything He does and says is designed to bring the best out of her".

These verses also speak of The Church, in context of a beautiful bride being prepared to one day stand alongside her Saviour King. Heaven delights in this analogy and people who have felt and experienced the warmth of this reality delight also. But let's never forget that those who (sadly) position themselves as "enemies" of this same Saviour, will also position themselves as enemies of His bride. They will never delight or be enthused about her... To them she is an equal threat, no matter how kind and gracious she (continually) shows herself to be.

All I know friends, is that this magnificent Saviour King (aka Jesus)... who has done this world no harm, who came to bring life and hope, who laid his flawless life down in exchange for our flawed lives... delights in His bride. She may not (yet) be perfect, she may not (yet) have all her wedding garments adorned, she may not (yet) understand her full authority in the Oneness she shares with her ‘Heavenly Groom’, but SHE IS THE APPLE OF HIS EYE. This life has an eternal factor attached, and no groom who truly "cherishes" his bride allows anyone to touch her in a harmful way without consequence.

I pray that as His bride (the genuine Christ-centred Church) continues to emerge on the earth, as she comes into full view, as her gracious "touch" is felt by broken, hurting, searching humanity... that she will also know that the One who adores her, will never allow anything to ultimately harm her.

Allow His Words to evoke (bring and recall to your conscious mind) all you are and are purposed to be... And as this Heavenly Groom so poignantly teaches, let's continue to love and pray for those who oppose, lets continue to choose the higher road, lets pray for one another (Eph 6) and lets continue to press on to fulfill His great commission of loving humanity into the saving arms of Heaven above.

Evoke... What a word! (thanks Paul and Ephesians)



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