Tuesday, July 13, 2010

our sister's keeper

So I hope this isn't a confusing, too much info, kind of preachy type blog. Forgive me if it is, but this is me sharing my heart and sharing what we are learning.

A few of us ladies from the Justice Project have been listening to a series of cd's that are from the Colour Conference, which is put on by the ladies of Hillsong Church. There are 10 cd's, and they are packed full of wisdom. They're a lot to digest. :) This morning, I was listening to the last cd as I was driving into work, and funnily enough, without any of us knowing it, the speaker, Christine Caine, read the verse that we had chosen as our theme verse - Isaiah 1:17. I thought it was so appropriate, and it confirmed the reason that we chose this verse. The point of the Colour Conference has been to challenge the women of the church to realize that we are our sister's keeper. The women of our world need us!! And it made me think about our time on the streets of downtown Boulder this past Sunday night. Bridget wrote below of how we gave out sunglasses to the ladies, and one of them tried them all on before she chose. She was very comfortable in asking us to tell her which pair suited her. It showed me how we as women are indeed in this together. We are our sister's keeper - just as the women of Hillsong have discovered. It is in fact God's heart that we look out for each other. It's His heart that we know what women all over this world are going through and how we can help and support one another.

The other thing that I'm learning is that the bond that we share between us is also recognized by the men in our lives. Every lady that we found in Boulder was accompanied by one or more men; none were by themselves. And each time that we approached these groups of men and women and asked if we could speak to the ladies, the men graciously gave us the opportunity. More than that, they thanked us for giving to the women. They weren't at all offended that we only wanted to speak to the girls. That blessed me so much! It also gave me a heart for the guys too . . . . but really, it showed me that these guys recognized the needs of their fellow travelers. They realize that these women need personal items, need gifts, need encouragement, and more than anything need the friendship of another lady, even if it's a stranger.

So I challenge you (along with me) to ask yourself how you can be your sister's keeper? Do you know what the women in your street are going through? Do you know where the homeless are in your town? Do you know how the immigrant lady down the road is adjusting to this culture? Do you know the lady sitting in front of you at church? Do you know the plight of the women who are trafficked all over the world (even into our country)? Does your heart break for them, and are you doing something to reach them?

-Micah Hayden

1 comment:

debbie matthews said...

I like this, Micah! It's very encouraging & helpful to me!- Debbie M.