Saturday, July 31, 2010
As soon as the I-Heart Revolution Film comes to DVD, The Justice Project will be presenting it to the entire church on a special evening... We'll keep you posted on that... But for now, watch the youtube and let the words and images soak into your heart... This is what it's all about...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Recommended Reading

Inside of Hong Kong was the infamous Walled City. Strangers were not welcome there. Police hesitated to enter. It was a haven of filth, crime and sin. Prostitution, pornography and drug addiction flourished. Jackie Pullinger had grown up believing that if she put her trust in God, He would lead her. When she was 20 years old, God called her to the Walled City. She obeyed. And as she spoke of Jesus Christ, brutal hoods were converted, prostitutes retired from their trade and heroin junkies found new power that freed them from the bondage of drug addiction. Hundreds discovered new life in Christ. Chasing the Dragon tells the whole amazing story exactly as it happened. Equally amazing has been the reach of this ministry, now detailed in this updated and revised edition. From Hong Kong to the Philippines, Thailand and beyond, the ministry that started with Jackie and her friends taking people in to live and care for them has continued and developed to form the present St. Stephen s Society. Readers will be inspired by this tale of trust and loving as Jesus would.

Please watch the youtube below for description of Christine Caine's book.

What does it look like to trust God with EVERYTHING?
In Compelled by Love, Heidi Baker gives you a glimpse of total dependence and authentic Christian community by taking a fresh look at the Beatitudes.
In the war-torn, poverty-stricken country of Mozambique, she and her husband have experienced God's miraculous provisions and witnessed the transformed hearts of people caught in desperate life-or-death situations. Join them and discover the reality of God's kingdom here on Earth.
-For anyone wondering if they could truly live a life of radical love...
-For anyone wondering if the Beatitudes mean anything...
-For anyone wondering how to follow Jesus all the way...
"If God is not with us, we do not want to continue. If the Sermon on the Mount is simply impractical, our mission work is hopeless. We have no backup plan. We have nothing but Him."
--Heidi Baker
Thought for the Day...
"God is not about using the mighty, but the willing. He is not into using amazing people, just ones who are prepared to lay their lives down to Him. God is not looking for extraordinary, exceptionally gifted people, just laid-down lovers of Jesus who will carry His glory with transparency and not take it for themselves." -Heidi Baker
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Calling All COTH Men!!
A New Way to Give
Get your Boulder Change
The Carriage House Community Table has an innovative program that will help us and COTH members help the homeless.
"Through the Boulder Change program, you can purchase $1 denominations of vouchers that can be redeemed at nearly 20 local vendors including:
King Soopers, the RTD Bus Station, some Conoco Gas Stations, Boulder Recreation Centers, the Mental Health Center and a number of restaurants.
The vouchers may not be used for alcohol or tobacco products and no cash change is returned to the user. This is an effective way to support the homeless of our community without worrying whether the money will be used for self-destructive habits."
This would be an excellent way for us to give and know that it's going towards things that will nourish and help the homeless that we reach. Please let us know if you're interested in purchasing these vouchers.
for the least of these
Last Spring a few of us ladies from COTH decided to work through the book, "Compelled by Love" by Heidi Baker. And if you know me at all, then you've heard me say how this book is a must read. I think that all of Heidi Baker's books are worth reading, but this one especially touched me in that she addresses the issue of loving those who will take what you have to give to them and then abuse it (and possibly you) in return. She talks about her street kids and how it takes a lot of time, a lot of love, and a lot of patience and the work of the Holy Spirit to get the habits and the behaviors that these kids have always known out of the kids. And tonight as we met with the other ladies who are involved with the Justice Project, it hit me that it's the same way with the homeless. I can't go out and expect that the people we meet will change overnight. I can't expect that their lives will ever change. However, I can hope and believe that somehow God will work through us to speak to their hearts. And if He can touch them, then that is the best thing that can happen. That is the thing that is most needed. Our world just needs love, and that is what we have to offer.
I'm realizing that the calling of every believer is to go out and minister the love of God. It's not a huge revelation or rocket science; it's just basic. And it may not always be easy. There is the possibility that we may never see the fruit of our pouring out. However, the call is still there. God didn't give His Son so that we'd just be saved, enjoy life, and go to heaven. Yes, we get all that, but we are responsible to tell others. We are responsible to give what we have, and what we have is the love of God in our hearts. So if we can love on others by saying a kind word, by giving a traveler a bag of deodorant, shampoo, and socks, by saying hey, by the way, Jesus loves you, then we are doing what we're called to do. I can't sit by and not do that.
As I end this thought, I want to share a quote by Mother Teresa. Again, if you know me at all, you've probably also heard me talk about this lady. Her heart and her actions inspire and challenge me. She was a woman who absolutely caught God's heart to love the poorest, sickest, ugliest, most abused, most deformed individuals that this world has to offer. And she did it knowing that none of them would ever give anything back to her. She did it purely out of her love for Jesus. And this is the revelation that she received from the Lord many, many years ago while riding on a train in India - "My dear, you must see your beloved Jesus in each one of these miserable people. You must love that Jesus, serve that Jesus and look after that Jesus. Never forget His voice when He says, 'Whenever you did it for the least of these My brothers, you did it for Me.'"
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
our sister's keeper
A few of us ladies from the Justice Project have been listening to a series of cd's that are from the Colour Conference, which is put on by the ladies of Hillsong Church. There are 10 cd's, and they are packed full of wisdom. They're a lot to digest. :) This morning, I was listening to the last cd as I was driving into work, and funnily enough, without any of us knowing it, the speaker, Christine Caine, read the verse that we had chosen as our theme verse - Isaiah 1:17. I thought it was so appropriate, and it confirmed the reason that we chose this verse. The point of the Colour Conference has been to challenge the women of the church to realize that we are our sister's keeper. The women of our world need us!! And it made me think about our time on the streets of downtown Boulder this past Sunday night. Bridget wrote below of how we gave out sunglasses to the ladies, and one of them tried them all on before she chose. She was very comfortable in asking us to tell her which pair suited her. It showed me how we as women are indeed in this together. We are our sister's keeper - just as the women of Hillsong have discovered. It is in fact God's heart that we look out for each other. It's His heart that we know what women all over this world are going through and how we can help and support one another.
The other thing that I'm learning is that the bond that we share between us is also recognized by the men in our lives. Every lady that we found in Boulder was accompanied by one or more men; none were by themselves. And each time that we approached these groups of men and women and asked if we could speak to the ladies, the men graciously gave us the opportunity. More than that, they thanked us for giving to the women. They weren't at all offended that we only wanted to speak to the girls. That blessed me so much! It also gave me a heart for the guys too . . . . but really, it showed me that these guys recognized the needs of their fellow travelers. They realize that these women need personal items, need gifts, need encouragement, and more than anything need the friendship of another lady, even if it's a stranger.
So I challenge you (along with me) to ask yourself how you can be your sister's keeper? Do you know what the women in your street are going through? Do you know where the homeless are in your town? Do you know how the immigrant lady down the road is adjusting to this culture? Do you know the lady sitting in front of you at church? Do you know the plight of the women who are trafficked all over the world (even into our country)? Does your heart break for them, and are you doing something to reach them?
-Micah Hayden